A Regurgitation Monster :(

Well as it turns out another monster has joined us on the net. This time it is a Regurgitation Monster known as Yellow. We like to call him Mellow Yellow but he seems upset about this for some reason. He is a bit different from me and Red in that we just spew stories willy nilly but he actually goes out hunting stories that happened or he has heard and then sort of erm… dramatises them – of course some of his stuff is pure fabrication, being a Story Monster.

It shall be interesting to see what his writing is like, as he is known for his somewhat poor attempts at humour. He tends to come up with the sort of long-winded jokes that dads come out with at Christmas. He also is more prone to drawing his stories in sort of comic book form so seeing how this transfers to the pure written word will indeed be interesting.

I am feeling so flustered by his presence on the net that I shall just set an exercise this week rather than actually writing something myself – so could you all spend twenty minutes writing about how silly jokes are.

Posted: Monday, November 17th, 2008 @ 10:41 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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One Response to “A Regurgitation Monster :(”

  1. Rousnefroneft Says:

    Ask no questions and you will be told no lies 🙂

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